Articles | Volume 9, issue 3
Model description paper
10 Mar 2016
Model description paper |  | 10 Mar 2016

pynoddy 1.0: an experimental platform for automated 3-D kinematic and potential field modelling

J. Florian Wellmann, Sam T. Thiele, Mark D. Lindsay, and Mark W. Jessell

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Clustering has a meaning: optimization of angular similarity to detect 3D geometric anomalies in geological terrains
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We often obtain knowledge about the subsurface in the form of structural geological models, as a basis for subsurface usage or resource extraction. Here, we provide a modelling code to construct such models on the basis of significant deformational events in geological history, encapsulated in kinematic equations. Our methods simplify complex dynamic processes, but enable us to evaluate how events interact, and finally how certain we are about predictions of structures in the subsurface.