Articles | Volume 10, issue 12
Model evaluation paper
29 Nov 2017
Model evaluation paper |  | 29 Nov 2017

Evaluation of integrated assessment model hindcast experiments: a case study of the GCAM 3.0 land use module

Abigail C. Snyder, Robert P. Link, and Katherine V. Calvin

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Cited articles

Baldos, U. L. C. and Hertel, T. W.: Looking back to move forward on model validation: insights from a global model of agricultural land use, Environ. Res. Lett., 8, 034024,, 2013.
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Calvin, K., Wise, M., Kyle, P., Clarke, L., and Edmonds, J.: A Hindcast Experiment Using the GCAM 3.0 Agriculture and Land-use Module, Climate Change Economics, 8, 1750005,, 2017.
Clarke, L., Lurz, J., Wise, M., Edmonds, J., Kim, S., Smith, S., and Pitcher, H.: Model documentation for the minicam climate change science program stabilization scenarios: Ccsp product 2.1 a, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL-16735, 2007.
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Experiments conducting a model forecast for a period in which observational data are available are rarely undertaken in the integrated assessment model (IAM) community. When undertaken, results are often evaluated using global aggregates that mask deficiencies. Comparing land allocation simulations in GCAM with FAO observational data from 1990 to 2010, we find quantitative evidence that global aggregates alone are not sufficient for evaluating IAMs with global supply constraints similar to GCAM.