Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Development and technical paper
25 Mar 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 25 Mar 2022

A global, spherical finite-element model for post-seismic deformation using Abaqus

Grace A. Nield, Matt A. King, Rebekka Steffen, and Bas Blank

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Revised manuscript accepted for ESSD
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Short summary
We present a finite-element model of post-seismic solid Earth deformation built in the software package Abaqus for the purpose of calculating post-seismic deformation in the far field of major earthquakes. The model is benchmarked against an existing open-source post-seismic model demonstrating good agreement. The advantage over existing models is the potential for simple modification to include 3-D Earth structure, non-linear rheologies and alternative or multiple sources of stress change.