Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Methods for assessment of models
09 Apr 2021
Methods for assessment of models |  | 09 Apr 2021

Analytical solutions for mantle flow in cylindrical and spherical shells

Stephan C. Kramer, D. Rhodri Davies, and Cian R. Wilson

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Automatic adjoint-based inversion schemes for geodynamics: reconstructing the evolution of Earth's mantle in space and time
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Thetis coastal ocean model: discontinuous Galerkin discretization for the three-dimensional hydrostatic equations
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Computational models of Earth's mantle require rigorous verification and validation. Analytical solutions of the underlying Stokes equations provide a method to verify that these equations are accurately solved for. However, their derivation in spherical and cylindrical shell domains with physically relevant boundary conditions is involved. This paper provides a number of solutions. They are provided in a Python package (Assess) and their use is demonstrated in a convergence study with Fluidity.