Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Methods for assessment of models
09 Apr 2021
Methods for assessment of models |  | 09 Apr 2021

Analytical solutions for mantle flow in cylindrical and spherical shells

Stephan C. Kramer, D. Rhodri Davies, and Cian R. Wilson

Model code and software

Assess - Analytical Solutions for the Stokes Equations in Spherical Shells Stephan C. Kramer

Fluidity Stephan C. Kramer, Cian R. Wilson, D. Rhodri Davies, and Many others

Short summary
Computational models of Earth's mantle require rigorous verification and validation. Analytical solutions of the underlying Stokes equations provide a method to verify that these equations are accurately solved for. However, their derivation in spherical and cylindrical shell domains with physically relevant boundary conditions is involved. This paper provides a number of solutions. They are provided in a Python package (Assess) and their use is demonstrated in a convergence study with Fluidity.