Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Model description paper
15 Mar 2024
Model description paper |  | 15 Mar 2024

Validation of a new global irrigation scheme in the land surface model ORCHIDEE v2.2

Pedro Felipe Arboleda-Obando, Agnès Ducharne, Zun Yin, and Philippe Ciais

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Al‐Yaari, A., Ducharne, A., Thiery, W., Cheruy, F., and Lawrence, D.: The Role of Irrigation Expansion on Historical Climate Change: Insights From CMIP6, Earth's Future, 10, 1–29,, 2022. a, b
Arboleda, P., Ducharne, A., Yin, Z., and Ciais, P.: ORCHIDEE_2_2 revision 7709/, Zenodo [code],, 2023. a
Arboleda-Obando, P. F., Ducharne, A., Yin, Z., and Ciais, P.: Validation of a new global irrigation scheme in the ORCHIDEE land surface model – Dataset, Zenodo [data set],, 2023. a
Short summary
We show a new irrigation scheme included in the ORCHIDEE land surface model. The new irrigation scheme restrains irrigation due to water shortage, includes water adduction, and represents environmental limits and facilities to access water, due to representing infrastructure in a simple way. Our results show that the new irrigation scheme helps simulate acceptable land surface conditions and fluxes in irrigated areas, even if there are difficulties due to shortcomings and limited information.