Articles | Volume 13, issue 3
Development and technical paper
12 Mar 2020
Development and technical paper |  | 12 Mar 2020

A new open-source viscoelastic solid earth deformation module implemented in Elmer (v8.4)

Thomas Zwinger, Grace A. Nield, Juha Ruokolainen, and Matt A. King

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Cited articles

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Byckling, M., Kataja, J., Klemm, M., and Zwinger, T.: OpenMP SIMD Vectorization and Threading of the Elmer Finite Element Software, in: Proceedings 13th International Workshop on OpenMP, Springer Lecture Notes, 123–137,, 2017. a, b
Short summary
We present a newly developed flat-earth model, Elmer/Earth, for viscoelastic treatment of solid earth deformation under ice loads. Unlike many previous approaches with proprietary software, this model is based on the open-source FEM code Elmer, with the advantage for scientists to apply and alter the model without license constraints. The new-generation full-stress ice-sheet model Elmer/Ice shares the same code base, enabling future coupled ice-sheet–glacial-isostatic-adjustment simulations.