Articles | Volume 17, issue 15
Development and technical paper
15 Aug 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 15 Aug 2024

A simple approach to represent precipitation-derived freshwater fluxes into nearshore ocean models: an FVCOM4.1 case study of Quatsino Sound, British Columbia

Krysten Rutherford, Laura Bianucci, and William Floyd

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Fjord circulation permits a persistent subsurface water mass in a long, deep mid-latitude inlet
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Ocean Sci., 20, 293–306,,, 2024
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High-resolution streamflow and weather data (2013–2019) for seven small coastal watersheds in the northeast Pacific coastal temperate rainforest, Canada
Maartje C. Korver, Emily Haughton, William C. Floyd, and Ian J. W. Giesbrecht
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 4231–4250,,, 2022
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Rain-fed streams dilute inorganic nutrients but subsidise organic-matter-associated nutrients in coastal waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean
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Biogeosciences, 18, 3029–3052,,, 2021
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A global hotspot for dissolved organic carbon in hypermaritime watersheds of coastal British Columbia
Allison A. Oliver, Suzanne E. Tank, Ian Giesbrecht, Maartje C. Korver, William C. Floyd, Paul Sanborn, Chuck Bulmer, and Ken P. Lertzman
Biogeosciences, 14, 3743–3762,,, 2017
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Towards a real-time modeling of global ocean waves by the fully GPU-accelerated spectral wave model WAM6-GPU v1.0
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Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 6123–6136,,, 2024
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An optimal transformation method applied to diagnose the ocean carbon budget
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Nearshore ocean models often lack complete information about freshwater fluxes due to numerous ungauged rivers and streams. We tested a simple rain-based hydrological model as inputs into an ocean model of Quatsino Sound, Canada, with the aim of improving the representation of the land–ocean connection in the nearshore model. Through multiple tests, we found that the performance of the ocean model improved when providing 60 % or more of the freshwater inputs from the simple runoff model.