Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Model description paper
27 Jan 2022
Model description paper |  | 27 Jan 2022

Reconsideration of wind stress, wind waves, and turbulence in simulating wind-driven currents of shallow lakes in the Wave and Current Coupled Model (WCCM) version 1.0

Tingfeng Wu, Boqiang Qin, Anning Huang, Yongwei Sheng, Shunxin Feng, and Céline Casenave

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Most hydrodynamic models were initially developed based in marine environments. They cannot be directly applied to large lakes. Based on field observations and numerical experiments of a large shallow lake, we developed a hydrodynamic model by adopting new schemes of wind stress, wind waves, and turbulence for large lakes. Our model can greatly improve the simulation of lake currents. This study will be a reminder to limnologists to prudently use ocean models to study lake hydrodynamics.