Articles | Volume 9, issue 5
Model description paper
03 May 2016
Model description paper |  | 03 May 2016

ICESHEET 1.0: a program to produce paleo-ice sheet reconstructions with minimal assumptions

Evan J. Gowan, Paul Tregoning, Anthony Purcell, James Lea, Oscar J. Fransner, Riko Noormets, and J. A. Dowdeswell

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We present a program that can create paleo-ice sheet reconstructions, using an assumed basal shear stress, margin location and basal topography as input. This allows for the quick determination of relatively realistic past ice sheet configurations without reliance on highly uncertain factors such as climate and ice dynamics. This is ideal for modelling Earth deformation due to the loading of ice sheets. The subsequent ice sheet configurations can be used as an input for climate modelling.