Articles | Volume 16, issue 23
Model description paper
30 Nov 2023
Model description paper |  | 30 Nov 2023

AvaFrame com1DFA (v1.3): a thickness-integrated computational avalanche module – theory, numerics, and testing

Matthias Tonnel, Anna Wirbel, Felix Oesterle, and Jan-Thomas Fischer

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Preprint under review for NHESS
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Avaframe - the open avalanche framework - provides open-source tools to simulate and investigate snow avalanches. It is utilized for multiple purposes, the two main applications being hazard mapping and scientific research of snow processes. We present the theory, conversion to a computer model, and testing for one of the core modules used for simulations of a particular type of avalanche, the so-called dense-flow avalanches. Tests check and confirm the applicability of the utilized method.