Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Model description paper
25 Apr 2018
Model description paper |  | 25 Apr 2018

tran-SAS v1.0: a numerical model to compute catchment-scale hydrologic transport using StorAge Selection functions

Paolo Benettin and Enrico Bertuzzo

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Cited articles

Benettin, P., Rinaldo, A., and Botter, G.: Kinematics of age mixing in advection-dispersion models, Water Resour. Res., 49, 8539–8551,, 2013. a
Benettin, P., Bailey, S. W., Campbell, J. L., Green, M. B., Rinaldo, A., Likens, G. E., McGuire, K. J., and Botter, G.: Linking water age and solute dynamics in streamflow at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA, Water Resour. Res., 51, 9256–9272,, 2015a. a, b
Benettin, P., Rinaldo, A., and Botter, G.: Tracking residence times in hydrological systems: forward and backward formulations, Hydrol. Proc., 29, 5203–5213,, 2015b. a, b
Benettin, P., Bailey, S. W., Rinaldo, A., Likens, G. E., McGuire, K. J., and Botter, G.: Young runoff fractions control streamwater age and solute concentration dynamics, Hydrol. Proc., 31, 2982–2986,, 2017a. a
Benettin, P., Soulsby, C., Birkel, C., Tetzlaff, D., Botter, G., and Rinaldo, A.: Using SAS functions and high resolution isotope data to unravel travel time distributions in headwater catchments, Water Resour. Res., 53, 1864–1878,, 2017b. a, b, c, d
Short summary
Solutes introduced in the environment are transported by water to streams and lakes. The tran-SAS package includes a set of codes to model this process for entire watersheds by using the concept of water residence times, i.e. the time that water takes to move through the landscape. Results show that the model is implemented efficiently and it can be used to simulate solute transport in a number of different conditions.