Articles | Volume 10, issue 9
Model description paper
26 Sep 2017
Model description paper |  | 26 Sep 2017

Implementation of a physically based water percolation routine in the Crocus/SURFEX (V7.3) snowpack model

Christopher J. L. D'Amboise, Karsten Müller, Laurent Oxarango, Samuel Morin, and Thomas V. Schuler

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Short summary
We present a new water percolation routine added to the Crocus model. The new routine is physically based, describing motion of water through a layered snowpack considering capillary-driven and gravity flow. We tested the routine on two data sets. Wet-snow layers were able to reach higher saturations than the empirical routine. Meaningful applicability is limited until new and better parameterizations of water retention are developed, and feedbacks are adjusted to handle higher saturations.