Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Development and technical paper
30 Nov 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 30 Nov 2021

A versatile method for computing optimized snow albedo from spectrally fixed radiative variables: VALHALLA v1.0

Florent Veillon, Marie Dumont, Charles Amory, and Mathieu Fructus

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Short summary
In climate models, the snow albedo scheme generally calculates only a narrowband or broadband albedo. Therefore, we have developed the VALHALLA method to optimize snow spectral albedo calculations through the determination of spectrally fixed radiative variables. The development of VALHALLA v1.0 with the use of the snow albedo model TARTES and the spectral irradiance model SBDART indicates a considerable reduction in calculation time while maintaining an adequate accuracy of albedo values.