Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Model description paper
08 Jun 2020
Model description paper |  | 08 Jun 2020

QuickSampling v1.0: a robust and simplified pixel-based multiple-point simulation approach

Mathieu Gravey and Grégoire Mariethoz

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A high-resolution image time series of the Gorner Glacier – Swiss Alps – derived from repeated unmanned aerial vehicle surveys
Lionel Benoit, Aurelie Gourdon, Raphaël Vallat, Inigo Irarrazaval, Mathieu Gravey, Benjamin Lehmann, Günther Prasicek, Dominik Gräff, Frederic Herman, and Gregoire Mariethoz
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 579–588,,, 2019
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Cited articles

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Stochastic simulations are key tools to generate complex spatial structures uses as input in geoscientific models. In this paper, we present a new open-source tool that enables to simulate complex structures in a straightforward and efficient manner, based on analogues. The method is tested on a variety of use cases to demonstrate the generality of the framework.