Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Model description paper
05 May 2023
Model description paper |  | 05 May 2023

LISFLOOD-FP 8.1: new GPU-accelerated solvers for faster fluvial/pluvial flood simulations

Mohammad Kazem Sharifian, Georges Kesserwani, Alovya Ahmed Chowdhury, Jeffrey Neal, and Paul Bates

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Cited articles

Amarnath, G., Umer, Y. M., Alahacoon, N., and Inada, Y.: Modelling the flood-risk extent using LISFLOOD-FP in a complex watershed: case study of Mundeni Aru River Basin, Sri Lanka, Proc. Intl. Assoc. Hydrol. Sci., 370, 131–138, 2015. 
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Bates, P. D., Horritt, M. S., and Fewtrell, T. J.: A simple inertial formulation of the shallow water equations for efficient two-dimensional flood inundation modelling, J. Hydrol., 387, 33–45, 2010. 
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Short summary
This paper describes a new release of the LISFLOOD-FP model for fast and efficient flood simulations. It features a new non-uniform grid generator that uses multiwavelet analyses to sensibly coarsens the resolutions where the local topographic variations are smooth. Moreover, the model is parallelised on the graphical processing units (GPUs) to further boost computational efficiency. The performance of the model is assessed for five real-world case studies, noting its potential applications.