Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Model description paper
01 Feb 2018
Model description paper |  | 01 Feb 2018

Modeling vegetation and carbon dynamics of managed grasslands at the global scale with LPJmL 3.6

Susanne Rolinski, Christoph Müller, Jens Heinke, Isabelle Weindl, Anne Biewald, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Alberte Bondeau, Eltje R. Boons-Prins, Alexander F. Bouwman, Peter A. Leffelaar, Johnny A. te Roller, Sibyll Schaphoff, and Kirsten Thonicke

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Management-induced changes in soil organic carbon on global croplands
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Cited articles

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Bouwman, A. F., Boumans, L. J. M., and Batjes, N. H.: Estimation of global NH3 volatilization loss from synthetic fertilizers and animal manure applied to arable lands and grasslands, Global Biogeochem. Cy., 16, 1–14,, 2002.
Short summary
One-third of the global land area is covered with grasslands which are grazed by or mowed for livestock feed. These areas contribute significantly to the carbon capture from the atmosphere when managed sensibly. To assess the effect of this management, we included different options of grazing and mowing into the global model LPJmL 3.6. We found in polar regions even low grazing pressure leads to soil carbon loss whereas in temperate regions up to 1.4 livestock units per hectare can be sustained.