Submitted as: development and technical paper
18 Sep 2024
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 18 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Sunburned plankton: Ultraviolet radiation inhibition of phytoplankton photosynthesis in the Community Earth System Model version 2

Joshua Coupe, Nicole S. Lovenduski, Luise S. Gleason, Michael N. Levy, Kristen Krumhardt, Keith Lindsay, Charles Bardeen, Clay Tabor, Cheryl Harrison, Kenneth G. MacLeod, Siddhartha Mitra, and Julio SepĂșlveda

Abstract. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can damage DNA and kill cells. We use laboratory and observational studies of the harmful effect of UV radiation on marine photosynthesizers to inform the implementation of a UV radiation damage function for phytoplankton photosynthesis in a modified version of the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2-UVphyto). CESM2-UVphyto is capable of simulating UV inhibition of photosynthesis among modelled phytoplankton and ocean column 5 penetration of UV-A and UV-B radiation. We conduct a series of simulations with CESM2-UVphyto using the Marine Biogeochemistry Library (MARBL) ecosystem model to calibrate estimates of the sensitivity of phytoplankton productivity to UV radiation. Results indicate that increased UV radiation shifts the vertical distribution of phytoplankton biomass and productivity deeper into the column, causes a moderate decline in total global productivity, and changes phytoplankton community structure to favor diatoms. Our new CESM2-UVphyto model configuration can be used to quantify the potential ocean biogeochemical 10 and ecosystem impacts resulting from events that disturb the stratospheric ozone layer, such as an asteroid impact, a volcanic eruption, a nuclear war, and stratospheric aerosol injection-based geoengineering.

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Joshua Coupe, Nicole S. Lovenduski, Luise S. Gleason, Michael N. Levy, Kristen Krumhardt, Keith Lindsay, Charles Bardeen, Clay Tabor, Cheryl Harrison, Kenneth G. MacLeod, Siddhartha Mitra, and Julio SepĂșlveda

Status: open (until 13 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Joshua Coupe, Nicole S. Lovenduski, Luise S. Gleason, Michael N. Levy, Kristen Krumhardt, Keith Lindsay, Charles Bardeen, Clay Tabor, Cheryl Harrison, Kenneth G. MacLeod, Siddhartha Mitra, and Julio SepĂșlveda

Data sets

Climate model output for paper describing CESM2-UVphyto. Joshua Livingston Coupe

Model code and software

CESM2-UVphyto Joshua Coupe

Interactive computing environment

Manuscript figures Joshua Coupe

Joshua Coupe, Nicole S. Lovenduski, Luise S. Gleason, Michael N. Levy, Kristen Krumhardt, Keith Lindsay, Charles Bardeen, Clay Tabor, Cheryl Harrison, Kenneth G. MacLeod, Siddhartha Mitra, and Julio SepĂșlveda


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Short summary
We develop a new feature in the atmosphere and ocean components of the Community Earth System Model version 2. We have implemented ultraviolet (UV) radiation inhibition of photosynthesis of four marine phytoplankton functional groups represented in the Marine Biogeochemistry Library. The new feature is tested with varying levels of UV radiation. The new feature will enable an analysis of an asteroid impact’s effect on the ozone layer and how that affects the base of the marine food web.