Articles | Volume 8, issue 10
Model description paper
26 Oct 2015
Model description paper |  | 26 Oct 2015

CranSLIK v2.0: improving the stochastic prediction of oil spill transport and fate using approximation methods

R. Rutherford, I. Moulitsas, B. J. Snow, A. J. Kolios, and M. De Dominicis

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Cited articles

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Short summary
CranSLIK is a model that predicts the movement and spread of a surface oil spill at sea via a statistical approach that takes into account the random, and hence unpredictable, nature, of the affecting parameters. CranSLIK v2.0 demonstrated significant forecasting improvements by capturing the oil spill accurately in real oil spill validation cases and also proved capable of simulating a broader range of oil spill scenarios, while maintaining the run-time efficiency of the method.