Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
Model experiment description paper
15 Jan 2025
Model experiment description paper |  | 15 Jan 2025

Climate model downscaling in central Asia: a dynamical and a neural network approach

Bijan Fallah, Masoud Rostami, Emmanuele Russo, Paula Harder, Christoph Menz, Peter Hoffmann, Iulii Didovets, and Fred F. Hattermann

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We tried to contribute to a local climate change impact study in central Asia, a region that is water-scarce and vulnerable to global climate change. We use regional models and machine learning to produce reliable local data from global climate models. We find that regional models show more realistic and detailed changes in heavy precipitation than global climate models. Our work can help assess the future risks of extreme events and plan adaptation strategies in central Asia.
