Articles | Volume 15, issue 20
Development and technical paper
26 Oct 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 26 Oct 2022

Modeling the topographic influence on aboveground biomass using a coupled model of hillslope hydrology and ecosystem dynamics

Yilin Fang, L. Ruby Leung, Charles D. Koven, Gautam Bisht, Matteo Detto, Yanyan Cheng, Nate McDowell, Helene Muller-Landau, S. Joseph Wright, and Jeffrey Q. Chambers

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Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for GMD
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Discrete Global Grid System-based Flow Routing Datasets in the Amazon and Yukon Basins
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A machine learning approach targeting parameter estimation for plant functional type coexistence modeling using ELM-FATES (v2.0)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We develop a model that integrates an Earth system model with a three-dimensional hydrology model to explicitly resolve hillslope topography and water flow underneath the land surface to understand how local-scale hydrologic processes modulate vegetation along water availability gradients. Our coupled model can be used to improve the understanding of the diverse impact of local heterogeneity and water flux on nutrient availability and plant communities.