Development and technical paper
26 Oct 2022
Development and technical paper |

26 Oct 2022
Modeling the topographic influence on aboveground biomass using a coupled model of hillslope hydrology and ecosystem dynamics
Yilin Fang, L. Ruby Leung, Charles D. Koven, Gautam Bisht, Matteo Detto, Yanyan Cheng, Nate McDowell, Helene Muller-Landau, S. Joseph Wright, and Jeffrey Q. Chambers
Data sets
Dataset for modeling the impacts of plant hydraulics on tropical forest response to drought (v1.0)
Yilin Fang, L. Ruby Leung, Brett T. Wolfe, Matteo Detto, Ryan Knox, Nate McDowell, Charlotte Grossiord, Chonggang Xu, Bradley O. Christoffersen, Pierre Gentine, Charles D. Koven, and Jeffrey Q. Chambers
Complete data from the Barro Colorado 50-ha plot: 423617 trees, 35 years
Richard Condit, Rolando Pérez, Salomón Aguilar, Suzanne Lao, Robin Foster, and Stephen Hubbell
Model code and software
A coupled model of hillslope hydrology and ecosystem dynamics, version 1.0
Yilin Fang, Ruby Leung, Charlie Koven, Gautam Bisht, Matteo Detto, Yanyan Cheng, Nate McDowell, Helene Muller-Landau, S. Joseph Wright, and Jeff Chambers