Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Methods for assessment of models
29 May 2020
Methods for assessment of models |  | 29 May 2020

Correcting a bias in a climate model with an augmented emulator

Doug McNeall, Jonny Williams, Richard Betts, Ben Booth, Peter Challenor, Peter Good, and Andy Wiltshire

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The impact of structural error on parameter constraint in a climate model
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The mechanisms of North Atlantic CO2 uptake in a large Earth System Model ensemble
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The potential of an observational data set for calibration of a computationally expensive computer model
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The impact of climate mitigation on projections of future drought
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High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (HighResMIP2) towards CMIP7
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Cited articles

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In the climate model FAMOUS, matching the modelled Amazon rainforest to observations required different land surface parameter settings than for other forests. It was unclear if this discrepancy was due to a bias in the modelled climate or an error in the land surface component of the model. Correcting the climate of the model with a statistical model corrects the simulation of the Amazon forest, suggesting that the land surface component of the model is not the source of the discrepancy.