Articles | Volume 11, issue 7
Model description paper
09 Jul 2018
Model description paper |  | 09 Jul 2018

OMEN-SED 1.0: a novel, numerically efficient organic matter sediment diagenesis module for coupling to Earth system models

Dominik Hülse, Sandra Arndt, Stuart Daines, Pierre Regnier, and Andy Ridgwell

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We present a 1-D analytical diagenetic model resolving organic matter (OM) cycling and the associated biogeochemical dynamics in marine sediments designed to be coupled to Earth system models (ESMs). The reaction network accounts for the most important reactions associated with OM dynamics. The coupling is described and the OM degradation rate constant is tuned. Various observations, such as pore water profiles, sediment water interface fluxes and OM content, are reproduced with good accuracy.