Articles | Volume 8, issue 12
Development and technical paper
01 Dec 2015
Development and technical paper |  | 01 Dec 2015

A unified parameterization of clouds and turbulence using CLUBB and subcolumns in the Community Atmosphere Model

K. Thayer-Calder, A. Gettelman, C. Craig, S. Goldhaber, P. A. Bogenschutz, C.-C. Chen, H. Morrison, J. Höft, E. Raut, B. M. Griffin, J. K. Weber, V. E. Larson, M. C. Wyant, M. Wang, Z. Guo, and S. J. Ghan

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An Extensible Perturbed Parameter Ensemble (PPE) for the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study evaluates a unified cloud parameterization and a Monte Carlo microphysics interface that is implemented in CAM v5.3. We show mean climate and tropical variability results from global simulations. The model has a degradation in precipitation skill but improvements in shortwave cloud forcing, liquid water path, long-wave cloud forcing, precipitable water, and tropical wave simulation. We also show estimation of computational expense and sensitivity to number of subcolumns.