Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Development and technical paper
11 Jan 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 11 Jan 2021

Calibration of temperature-dependent ocean microbial processes in the cGENIE.muffin (v0.9.13) Earth system model

Katherine A. Crichton, Jamie D. Wilson, Andy Ridgwell, and Paul N. Pearson

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Data-constrained assessment of ocean circulation changes since the middle Miocene in an Earth system model
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Short summary
Temperature is a controller of metabolic processes and therefore also a controller of the ocean's biological carbon pump (BCP). We calibrate a temperature-dependent version of the BCP in the cGENIE Earth system model. Since the pre-industrial period, warming has intensified near-surface nutrient recycling, supporting production and largely offsetting stratification-induced surface nutrient limitation. But at the same time less carbon that sinks out of the surface then reaches the deep ocean.