Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Model description paper
03 Jun 2020
Model description paper |  | 03 Jun 2020

The Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure version 1 (FOCI1): mean state and variability

Katja Matthes, Arne Biastoch, Sebastian Wahl, Jan Harlaß, Torge Martin, Tim Brücher, Annika Drews, Dana Ehlert, Klaus Getzlaff, Fritz Krüger, Willi Rath, Markus Scheinert, Franziska U. Schwarzkopf, Tobias Bayr, Hauke Schmidt, and Wonsun Park

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Downward Coupling of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings: Important Role of Synoptic-Scale Waves Demonstrated by ERA5 Reanalysis
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Preprint archived
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The Sun's role in decadal climate predictability in the North Atlantic
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Twenty-first-century Southern Hemisphere impacts of ozone recovery and climate change from the stratosphere to the ocean
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Predictability of variable solar–terrestrial coupling
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Cited articles

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Short summary
A new Earth system model, the Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure (FOCI), is introduced, consisting of a high-top atmosphere, an ocean model, sea-ice and land surface model components. A unique feature of FOCI is the ability to explicitly resolve small-scale oceanic features, for example, the Agulhas Current and the Gulf Stream. It allows to study the evolution of the climate system on regional and seasonal to (multi)decadal scales and bridges the gap to coarse-resolution climate models.