Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Model experiment description paper
17 Nov 2016
Model experiment description paper |  | 17 Nov 2016

WCRP COordinated Regional Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX): a diagnostic MIP for CMIP6

William J. Gutowski Jr., Filippo Giorgi, Bertrand Timbal, Anne Frigon, Daniela Jacob, Hyun-Suk Kang, Krishnan Raghavan, Boram Lee, Christopher Lennard, Grigory Nikulin, Eleanor O'Rourke, Michel Rixen, Silvina Solman, Tannecia Stephenson, and Fredolin Tangang

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Cited articles

Berg, P., Feldmann, H., and Panitz, H.-J.: Bias correction of high resolution regional climate model data, J. Hydrol., 448–449, 80–92, 2012.
Christensen, J. H., Carter, T. R., Rummukainen, M., and Amanatidis, G.: Evaluating the performance and utility of regional climate models: The PRUDENCE project, Climatic Change, 81, 1–6, 2007.
CORDEX: available at:, last access: 18 September 2016.
CPC: available at:, last access: 18 September 2016.
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Short summary
The Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) is a diagnostic MIP in CMIP6. CORDEX builds on a foundation of previous downscaling intercomparison projects to provide a common framework for downscaling activities around the world. The CORDEX Regional Challenges provide a focus for downscaling research and a basis for making use of CMIP6 global output to produce downscaled projected changes in regional climates, and assess sources of uncertainties in the projections.