Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Development and technical paper
10 Jun 2016
Development and technical paper |  | 10 Jun 2016

Performance and results of the high-resolution biogeochemical model PELAGOS025 v1.0 within NEMO v3.4

Italo Epicoco, Silvia Mocavero, Francesca Macchia, Marcello Vichi, Tomas Lovato, Simona Masina, and Giovanni Aloisio

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The present work aims at evaluating the scalability performance of a high-resolution global ocean biogeochemistry model (PELAGOS025) on massive parallel architectures and the benefits in terms of the time-to-solution reduction. The outcome of the analysis demonstrated that the lack of scalability is due to several factors such as the I/O operations, the memory contention, and the load unbalancing due to the memory structure of the biogeochemistry model component.