Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Model description paper
28 May 2018
Model description paper |  | 28 May 2018

Modeling soil CO2 production and transport with dynamic source and diffusion terms: testing the steady-state assumption using DETECT v1.0

Edmund M. Ryan, Kiona Ogle, Heather Kropp, Kimberly E. Samuels-Crow, Yolima Carrillo, and Elise Pendall

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Our work evaluated the appropriateness of the common steady-state (SS) assumption, for example when partitioning soil respiration of CO2 into recently photosynthesized carbon (C) and older C. Using a new model of soil CO2 production and transport we found that the SS assumption is valid most of the time, especially in sand/silt soils. Non-SS conditions occurred mainly for the few days following large rain events in all soil types, but the non-SS period was prolonged and magnified in clay soils.