Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Model description paper
28 May 2018
Model description paper |  | 28 May 2018

Modeling soil CO2 production and transport with dynamic source and diffusion terms: testing the steady-state assumption using DETECT v1.0

Edmund M. Ryan, Kiona Ogle, Heather Kropp, Kimberly E. Samuels-Crow, Yolima Carrillo, and Elise Pendall

Data sets

Inputs folder contents for DETECT model v1.0 E. Ryan and K. Ogle

Model code and software

Source code for running DETECT model v1.0 E. Ryan and K. Ogle

Plot folder contents for DETECT model v1.0 E. Ryan and K. Ogle

Short summary
Our work evaluated the appropriateness of the common steady-state (SS) assumption, for example when partitioning soil respiration of CO2 into recently photosynthesized carbon (C) and older C. Using a new model of soil CO2 production and transport we found that the SS assumption is valid most of the time, especially in sand/silt soils. Non-SS conditions occurred mainly for the few days following large rain events in all soil types, but the non-SS period was prolonged and magnified in clay soils.