Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
Model description paper
22 Apr 2016
Model description paper |  | 22 Apr 2016

The ecological module of BOATS-1.0: a bioenergetically constrained model of marine upper trophic levels suitable for studies of fisheries and ocean biogeochemistry

David Anthony Carozza, Daniele Bianchi, and Eric Douglas Galbraith

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Short summary
We present the ecological module of the BiOeconomic mArine Trophic Size-spectrum (BOATS) model, which takes an Earth-system approach to modeling upper trophic level biomass at the global scale. BOATS employs fundamental ecological principles and takes a simple approach that relies on fewer parameters compared to similar modelling efforts. As such, it enables the exploration of the linkages between ocean biogeochemistry, climate, upper trophic levels, and fisheries at the global scale.