Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Development and technical paper
27 May 2020
Development and technical paper |  | 27 May 2020

Satellite-derived leaf area index and roughness length information for surface–atmosphere exchange modelling: a case study for reactive nitrogen deposition in north-western Europe using LOTOS-EUROS v2.0

Shelley C. van der Graaf, Richard Kranenburg, Arjo J. Segers, Martijn Schaap, and Jan Willem Erisman

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Observational relationships between ammonia, carbon dioxide and water vapor under a wide range of meteorological and turbulent conditions: RITA-2021 campaign
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Biogeosciences, 21, 557–574,,, 2024
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Field comparison of two novel open-path instruments that measure dry deposition and emission of ammonia using flux-gradient and eddy covariance methods
Daan Swart, Jun Zhang, Shelley van der Graaf, Susanna Rutledge-Jonker, Arjan Hensen, Stijn Berkhout, Pascal Wintjen, René van der Hoff, Marty Haaima, Arnoud Frumau, Pim van den Bulk, Ruben Schulte, Margreet van Zanten, and Thomas van Goethem
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 529–546,,, 2023
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Data assimilation of CrIS NH3 satellite observations for improving spatiotemporal NH3 distributions in LOTOS-EUROS
Shelley van der Graaf, Enrico Dammers, Arjo Segers, Richard Kranenburg, Martijn Schaap, Mark W. Shephard, and Jan Willem Erisman
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 951–972,,, 2022
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NH3 emissions from large point sources derived from CrIS and IASI satellite observations
Enrico Dammers, Chris A. McLinden, Debora Griffin, Mark W. Shephard, Shelley Van Der Graaf, Erik Lutsch, Martijn Schaap, Yonatan Gainairu-Matz, Vitali Fioletov, Martin Van Damme, Simon Whitburn, Lieven Clarisse, Karen Cady-Pereira, Cathy Clerbaux, Pierre Francois Coheur, and Jan Willem Erisman
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 12261–12293,,, 2019
Short summary
Technical note: How are NH3 dry deposition estimates affected by combining the LOTOS-EUROS model with IASI-NH3 satellite observations?
Shelley C. van der Graaf, Enrico Dammers, Martijn Schaap, and Jan Willem Erisman
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 13173–13196,,, 2018
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The MESSy DWARF (based on MESSy v2.55.2)
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Geosci. Model Dev., 18, 1265–1286,,, 2025
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An enhanced emission module for the PALM model system 23.10 with application for PM10 emission from urban domestic heating
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Geosci. Model Dev., 18, 1119–1139,,, 2025
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Identifying lightning processes in ERA5 soundings with deep learning
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Sensitivity of predicted ultrafine particle size distributions in Europe to different nucleation rate parameterizations using PMCAMx-UF v2.2
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Cited articles

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Banzhaf, S., Schaap, M., Kerschbaumer, A., Reimer, E., Stern, R., Van Der Swaluw, E., and Builtjes, P.: Implementation and evaluation of pH-dependent cloud chemistry and wet deposition in the chemical transport model REM-Calgrid, Atmos. Environ., 49, 378–390, 2012. 
Bauer, S. E., Tsigaridis, K., and Miller, R.: Significant atmospheric aerosol pollution caused by world food cultivation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 5394–5400, 2016. 
Behera, S. N., Sharma, M., Aneja, V. P., and Balasubramanian, R.: Ammonia in the atmosphere: a review on emission sources, atmospheric chemistry and deposition on terrestrial bodies, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 20, 8092–8131, 2013. 
Short summary
Chemical transport models (CTMs) are important tools to determine the fate of reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions. The parameterization of the surface–atmosphere exchange in CTMs is often only linked to fixed, land-use-dependent values. In this paper, we present an approach to derive more realistic, dynamic leaf area index (LAI) and roughness length (z0) input maps using multiple satellite products. We evaluate the effect on Nr concentration and deposition fields modelled in the LOTOS-EUROS CTM.