Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Model evaluation paper
24 Apr 2019
Model evaluation paper |  | 24 Apr 2019

The Brazilian Earth System Model ocean–atmosphere (BESM-OA) version 2.5: evaluation of its CMIP5 historical simulation

Sandro F. Veiga, Paulo Nobre, Emanuel Giarolla, Vinicius Capistrano, Manoel Baptista Jr., André L. Marquez, Silvio Nilo Figueroa, José Paulo Bonatti, Paulo Kubota, and Carlos A. Nobre

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The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Please read the corrigendum first before downloading the article.

Short summary
This study evaluates the Brazilian Earth System Model with coupled ocean–atmosphere version 2.5 (BESM-OA2.5) and the effectiveness of reproducing the main characteristics of the atmospheric and oceanic variability in a real-life-based scenario of greenhouse gas increase (the CMIP5 historical protocol). The evaluation specifically focuses on how the model simulates the mean climate state, as well as the most important large-scale climate patterns.