Articles | Volume 8, issue 7
Methods for assessment of models
 | Highlight paper
16 Jul 2015
Methods for assessment of models | Highlight paper |  | 16 Jul 2015

14C-age tracers in global ocean circulation models

W. Koeve, H. Wagner, P. Kähler, and A. Oschlies

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The natural abundance of 14C in CO2 dissolved in seawater is often used to evaluate circulation and age in the ocean and in ocean models. We study limitations of using natural 14C to determine the time elapsed since water had contact with the atmosphere. We find that, globally, bulk 14C age is dominated by two equally important components, (1) the time component of circulation and (2) the “preformed 14C-age”. Considering preformed 14C-age is critical for an assessment of circulation in models.