Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Model description paper
04 May 2023
Model description paper |  | 04 May 2023

Development of an ecophysiology module in the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model version 12.2.0 to represent biosphere–atmosphere fluxes relevant for ozone air quality

Joey C. Y. Lam, Amos P. K. Tai, Jason A. Ducker, and Christopher D. Holmes

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Short summary
We developed a new component within an atmospheric chemistry model to better simulate plant ecophysiological processes relevant for ozone air quality. We showed that it reduces simulated biases in plant uptake of ozone in prior models. The new model enables us to explore how future climatic changes affect air quality via affecting plants, examine ozone–vegetation interactions and feedbacks, and evaluate the impacts of changing atmospheric chemistry and climate on vegetation productivity.