Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Development and technical paper
24 Jan 2019
Development and technical paper |  | 24 Jan 2019

A hydrological cycle model for the Globally Resolved Energy Balance (GREB) model v1.0

Christian Stassen, Dietmar Dommenget, and Nicholas Loveday

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The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Please read the corrigendum first before downloading the article.

Short summary
In this research article, we describe the development of a new model for the water cycle (evaporation, precipitation and transport) for a simple climate model called GREB. Before this work, the water cycle in GREB was merely a dummy. We compare our simple model against more complex models and find a similar skill. The results illustrate that the new GREB model's water cycle is a useful tool to study the changes of the water cycle to external forcings like El Niño or climate change.