Articles | Volume 17, issue 17
Development and technical paper
03 Sep 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 03 Sep 2024

Exploring the footprint representation of microwave radiance observations in an Arctic limited-area data assimilation system

Máté Mile, Stephanie Guedj, and Roger Randriamampianina

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Benáček, P. and Mile, M.: Satellite Bias Correction in the Regional Model ALADIN/CZ: Comparison of Different VarBC Approaches, Mon. Weather Rev. 147, 3223–3239,, 2019. a
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Short summary
Satellite observations provide crucial information about atmospheric constituents in a global distribution that helps to better predict the weather over sparsely observed regions like the Arctic. However, the use of satellite data is usually conservative and imperfect. In this study, a better spatial representation of satellite observations is discussed and explored by a so-called footprint function or operator, highlighting its added value through a case study and diagnostics.