Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Development and technical paper
01 Aug 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 01 Aug 2023

The development and validation of the Inhomogeneous Wind Scheme for Urban Street (IWSUS-v1)

Zhenxin Liu, Yuanhao Chen, Yuhang Wang, Cheng Liu, Shuhua Liu, and Hong Liao

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The heterogeneous layout of urban buildings leads to the complex wind field in and over the urban canopy. Large discrepancies between the observations and the current simulations result from misunderstanding the character of the wind field. The Inhomogeneous Wind Scheme in Urban Street (IWSUS) was developed to simulate the heterogeneity of the wind speed in a typical street and then improve the simulated energy budget in the lower atmospheric layer over the urban canopy.