Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Development and technical paper
12 Jan 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 12 Jan 2021

Spin-up characteristics with three types of initial fields and the restart effects on forecast accuracy in the GRAPES global forecast system

Zhanshan Ma, Chuanfeng Zhao, Jiandong Gong, Jin Zhang, Zhe Li, Jian Sun, Yongzhu Liu, Jiong Chen, and Qingu Jiang

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Preprint withdrawn
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Short summary
The spin-up in GRAPES_GFS, under different initial fields, goes through a dramatic adjustment in the first half-hour of integration and slow dynamic and thermal adjustments afterwards. It lasts for at least 6 h, with model adjustment gradually completed from lower to upper layers in the model. Thus, the forecast results, at least in the first 6 h, should be avoided when used. In addition, the spin-up process should repeat when the model simulation is interrupted.