Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Development and technical paper
03 Jan 2020
Development and technical paper |  | 03 Jan 2020

An effective parameter optimization with radiation balance constraint in CAM5 (version 5.3)

Li Wu, Tao Zhang, Yi Qin, and Wei Xue

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Preprint under review for GMD
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LB-SCAM: a learning-based method for efficient large-scale sensitivity analysis and tuning of the Single Column Atmosphere Model (SCAM)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Uncertain parameters in physical parameterizations of general circulation models (GCMs) greatly impact model performance. In this study, an automated and efficient parameter optimization with the radiation balance constraint is presented and applied in the Community Atmospheric Model. Results show that the synthesized performance under the optimal parameters is 6.3 % better than the control run and the radiation imbalance is as low as 0.1 W m2.