Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Model description paper
25 Nov 2016
Model description paper |  | 25 Nov 2016

Parameterizing microphysical effects on variances and covariances of moisture and heat content using a multivariate probability density function: a study with CLUBB (tag MVCS)

Brian M. Griffin and Vincent E. Larson


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Short summary
Microphysical process rates, such as the formation, growth, and evaporation of precipitation, affect the variances, covariances, and fluxes of moisture and heat content. These effects appear as covariance terms within the Reynolds-averaged predictive equations for the scalar (co)variances and fluxes. Using a multivariate probability density function (PDF) and a simple warm-rain microphysics scheme, these microphysical covariance terms can be obtained by analytic integration over the PDF.