Articles | Volume 17, issue 17
Development and technical paper
13 Sep 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

GPU-HADVPPM4HIP V1.0: using the heterogeneous-compute interface for portability (HIP) to speed up the piecewise parabolic method in the CAMx (v6.10) air quality model on China's domestic GPU-like accelerator

Kai Cao, Qizhong Wu, Lingling Wang, Hengliang Guo, Nan Wang, Huaqiong Cheng, Xiao Tang, Dongxing Li, Lina Liu, Dongqing Li, Hao Wu, and Lanning Wang

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Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 4383–4399,,, 2024
Short summary
GPU-HADVPPM V1.0: a high-efficiency parallel GPU design of the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) for horizontal advection in an air quality model (CAMx V6.10)
Kai Cao, Qizhong Wu, Lingling Wang, Nan Wang, Huaqiong Cheng, Xiao Tang, Dongqing Li, and Lanning Wang
Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 4367–4383,,, 2023
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Exploring the footprint representation of microwave radiance observations in an Arctic limited-area data assimilation system
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Cited articles

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CAMx: A multi-scale photochemical modeling system for gas and particulate air pollution, ENVIRON International Corporation, (last access: 20 October 2023), 2023. 
Cao, K. and Wu, Q.: The dataset of the manuscript “GPU-HADVPPM4HIP V1.0: higher model accuracy on China's domestically GPU-like accelerator using heterogeneous compute interface for portability (HIP) technology to accelerate the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) in an air quality model (CAMx V6.10)”, Zenodo [data set],, 2024. 
Short summary
AMD’s heterogeneous-compute interface for portability was implemented to port the piecewise parabolic method solver from NVIDIA GPUs to China's GPU-like accelerators. The results show that the larger the model scale, the more acceleration effect on the GPU-like accelerator, up to 28.9 times. The multi-level parallelism achieves a speedup of 32.7 times on the heterogeneous cluster. By comparing the results, the GPU-like accelerators have more accuracy for the geoscience numerical models.