Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Development and technical paper
26 Aug 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 26 Aug 2024

A conservative immersed boundary method for the multi-physics urban large-eddy simulation model uDALES v2.0

Sam O. Owens, Dipanjan Majumdar, Chris E. Wilson, Paul Bartholomew, and Maarten van Reeuwijk

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Designing cities that are resilient, sustainable, and beneficial to health requires an understanding of urban climate and air quality. This article presents an upgrade to the multi-physics numerical model uDALES, which can simulate microscale airflow, heat transfer, and pollutant dispersion in urban environments. This upgrade enables it to resolve realistic urban geometries more accurately and to take advantage of the resources available on current and future high-performance computing systems.