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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Simulated stable water isotopes during the mid-Holocene and pre-industrial periods using AWI-ESM-2.1-wiso
Xiaoxu Shi
Alexandre Cauquoin
Gerrit Lohmann
Lukas Jonkers
Qiang Wang
Yuchen Sun
- Final revised paper (published on 08 Sep 2023)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 16 May 2023)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2023-68', Jesper Sjolte, 12 Jun 2023
Summary of Shi et al.
Shi et al. has performed a mid-Holocene (MH) time slice experiment with the new isotope enabled Earth System Model AWI-ESM-wiso. The authors validate the control run and go on to compare the model with isotopic archives. Although the model performs well for the control run and the spatial pattern of the MH anomalies are correct the overall amplitude of the isotope anomalies appear underestimated, which could mean that the MH climate anomalies are underestimated. The authors investigate the spatial and temporal relations of isotopes and climate. One conclusion is that the modern spatial slope can be used as surrogate for the temporal slope in Greenland and Antarctica. Finally, the authors offer an alternative method employing a combination of isotope anomalies and precipitation amount to determine the onset of the West African summer monsoon.
General comments.
I find the manuscript overall well-written, well-structured and with appropriate figures to illustrate the results. As the detailed comments below show I have a number of suggestions and concerns that I think should be taken into account before considering publication. One major concern is the somewhat superficial treatment of the debate on temporal versus spatial slope, which is a topic that has been extensively researched, and I find some key references missing in this context. Temporal and spatial changes in climate are different in fundamental ways, and this is reflected in the difference in the temporal and spatial slope. I think we are past the point where we are asking if the temporal and spatial slopes are interchangeable, which is summarized by the publications listed below (see comment to L304-307 and L319-324).
In summary I find that minor revisions should be made to accommodate the major and minor comments in this review.
Detailed comments.
L2 “Straightforward” do you mean “direct”?
L6 Move “well” to right before the comma.
L9-10 “The ratio of the MH-PI difference … is reasonable …” clarify if you are comparing to measured d18O.
L39-43 The isotope-temperature relationship can also be affected by the proportion of continental sources and recycling of vapor (Werner et al. (2001), Sjolte et al., (2014)).
L59 “Straightforward” do you mean “direct”?
L139 Is spring equinox fixed to March 21? This information can be added to Table 1.
L172 “Straightforward” do you mean “direct”?
Section 2.3.5 “Assimilation product”. I suggest a more informative title such as “Marine d18O reanalysis data”.
L214-215 High bias in d18O over Antarctica has also been linked to a low bias in water vapor for cold regions leading to a precipitation weighting towards higher d18O (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2008).
Figure 3/4/5/6. Are the simulated MH-PI anomalies significant?
Figure 6b Why not plot the RMSE between the different species which you write in the text? I think the reader expects this since it is included in the other plots. It doesn’t take much to explain the details in the figure caption.
L304-307 I think it would be good to move this to the introduction and include some relevant paper discussing this (Cuffey et al., 1992; Sime et al., 2009; Sjolte et al., 2011; Kindler et al., 2014; Sjolte et al., 2014; Guan et al., 2016).
Figure 8: It is risky to calculate a slope between only two points, but one could use the STD of the interannual variability to estimate the uncertainty or use the annual/seasonal data to make bootstrap estimates of the uncertainty in slope.
L323 The estimate is affected by the selection of the data. For example, if coastal data is included or only higher altitude sites on the ice sheet (Sjolte et al., 2011).
L319-324 Vinther et al. (2009) estimated a slope of 0.5 permil/degree C using borehole temperature and ice core data. I think it is well documented from the papers I mention above that the spatial slope and temporal slope are not interchangeable and that there are large regional differences in both. To quote Guan et al. (2016): “Finally, the relation between temporal and spatial slopes is understood using a semiempirical equation that is derived based on both the Rayleigh distillation and a fixed spatial slope. The slope equation quantifies the Boyle's mechanism and suggests that the temporal slope is usually smaller than the spatial slope in the extratropics mainly because of the polar amplification feature in global climate change, such that the response in local temperature at middle and high latitudes is usually greater than that in the total equivalent source temperature.”
L341 What is the choice of 0.5 degree C anomalies based on? Can’t you base it on whether the anomalies are significant?
L363 Judging by Figure 8d there is still quite some regional differences in slope. What is the slope of key ice core locations in Greenland and Antarctica, and what is the reconstructed temperature anomalies from ice core d18O based in this slope? This can then be compared to the simulated temperature anomaly.
L373 Again I wonder how the results would look if one based the maps on significant anomalies instead of a somewhat arbitrary threshold? Did you look at the slope for the NH/SH monsoon season (JJAS/DJFM) instead of annual mean?
Section 6: In relation to this section the definition of the calendar. Maybe it’s because the calendar effect is neglectable given the variance of the onset of the monsoon, but the calendar effect is a constant bias, so I suggest taking it into account. In any case I think it would be useful to discuss the role of the calendar effect in relation to the onset and duration of the monsoon.
L483 From the model setup I understood that the model is run with active vegetation? L141-142: “In our simulations, the dynamic vegetation is interactively calculated via the land surface model JSBACH.” If not, lacking vegetation-albedo feedbacks could explain some of the too weak modelled climate response to MH conditions, if the vegetation is indeed interactive the model might still be underestimating the changes in vegetation.
Cuffey, K., R. Alley, P. Grootes, and S. Anandakrishnan (1992), Toward using borehole temperatures to calibrate an isotopic paleothermometer in central Greenland, Global Planet. Change, 98(2-4), 265– 268.
Guan, J., Liu, Z., Wen, X., Brady, E., Noone, D., Zhu, J., and Han, J. (2016), Understanding the temporal slope of the temperature-water isotope relation during the deglaciation using isoCAM3: The slope equation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 10,342– 10,354, doi:10.1002/2016JD024955.
Kindler, P., Guillevic, M., Baumgartner, M., Schwander, J., Landais, A., and Leuenberger, M.: Temperature reconstruction from 10 to 120 kyr b2k from the NGRIP ice core, Clim. Past, 10, 887–902,, 2014.
Masson-Delmotte, V., et al. (2008), A review of Antarctic surface snow isotopic composition: Observations, atmospheric circulation, and isotopic modeling, J. Clim., 21(13), 3359– 3387, doi:10.1175/2007JCLI2139.1.
Sime, L., Wolff, E., Oliver, K. et al. Evidence for warmer interglacials in East Antarctic ice cores. Nature462, 342–345 (2009).
Sjolte, J., Hoffmann, G., Johnsen, S. J., Vinther, B. M., Masson-Delmotte, V., and Sturm, C. (2011), Modeling the water isotopes in Greenland precipitation 1959–2001 with the meso-scale model REMO-iso, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D18105, doi:10.1029/2010JD015287.
Jesper Sjolte, Georg Hoffmann & Sigfús Jóhann Johnsen (2014) Modelling the response of stable water isotopes in Greenland precipitation to orbital configurations of the previous interglacial, Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 66:1, DOI: 10.3402/tellusb.v66.22872
Vinther, B., Buchardt, S., Clausen, H. et al. Holocene thinning of the Greenland ice sheet. Nature 461, 385–388 (2009).
Martin Werner, Martin Heimann & Georg Hoffmann (2001) Isotopic composition and origin of polar precipitation in present and glacial climate simulations, Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 53:1,53-71, DOI: 10.3402/tellusb.v53i1.16539
Citation: -
RC2: 'Comment on gmd-2023-68', Qiong Zhang, 18 Jun 2023
This manuscript presents first results from a stable water isotope enabled Earth system model AWI-ESM-2.1-wiso, provides the information on new implementation of water isotope to the ocean component FSOM. Using the fully coupled AWI-ESM-wiso, two simulations for PI and MH are performed and the model results are evaluated against observed isotope compositions in precipitation and sea water. They conclude that model performs well on capturing the isotopic signals under PI and MH conditions, as well as the changes during the MH compared to PI. The coupled version yields better results than previous version without coupling to the ocean model.The development a fully coupled water isotope enabled ESM will have significant contribution to understand the past climate change and climate variability. The manuscript is well written, documents the comprehensive information about this new development, provides an important reference for future researches based on this model. I have one major comment for authors to consider, may help to improve the manuscript for final publication.As an example to show the most distinct changes in WASM during the MH in view of water isotope, the authors propose to use the water isotope to identify the onset of WASM instead of using precipitation, which is regarded as a novel method in this work. The presentation for this part can be improved and make it more convincing. When using the daily data to define the onset of the monsoon, I suppose the authors used 100 years mean daily data for the analysis. Considering high frequency variability in precipitation, which may exceed the climate change between MH and PI, 100-years mean for daily data potentially can remove the high frequency variability and largely smooth the data, consequently yield the no-change in onset date as presented in the results. However, from the frequency showed in Fig12 histogram, one can observe that isotope based method shows about 10-day earlier in monsoon onset in MH than that of PI, which is a reasonable results for the longer NH summer under MH orbital forcing. Using the similar statistic for the monsoon withdraw date, one can estimate the duration of the WASM during MH and PI. I think the focus on the change of duration of monsoon season makes more sense than onset date of monsoon for past monsoon.I suggest authors revise this part by identifying monsoon onset, withdraw and duration for individual model year, and using the statistics (as show in Fig12) for MH and PI comparison. The advantage of using isotope instead of precipitation to define the monsoon season may still hold true, but more convincing.Minor comments:
Line 80-84, should motivate why studying the monsoon onset is important. Line 495-507 in the discussion part can be moved here.
Line 125, "The model has been widely used with its standard configuration", may cause confusion if it refers to model with or without isotope, better present "The AWI-ESM model has been widely used with its standard configuration".
This is the first document for implementing the isotope in ocean model, is it possible to evaluate if everything is done correctly with ocean-only simulation without coupling? Otherwise how to identify any biases in coupled version is due to the ocean model implementation or due to coupling?
A bit confusing for the PI period, Line 130 says 1850 CE, and Line 177 says "and PI period (1950-1990CE)".
Line 226-227, "For instance, our model underestimates the isotopic composition of the South Atlantic and overestimates the δ18O values in the Southern Ocean", these under/over estimation is due to ocean model or due to implemented isotope? Any comments on these biases would be helpful to understand the origin of the biases.
Colour bar in Fig 1,2,5,6,8 needs to be improved. For example, the red colour in Fig.1 for -6 to -4 looks the same to me.
To be consistent, mark RMSE in Fig6 as that in Fig5.
Line 374, for gradient, "-4 ‰mm−1d" should be "-4 ‰mm−1/d".
Line 387, dexp is never mentioned earlier, for those who are not familiar with water isotopes, the meaning of d-excess and definition of dexp should be introduced.
Fig10, better to indicate "day of a year" for x-axis in the figure, the same for the other similar figs.
Fig10 caption, "The two black lines respond to 4.7°N and 10.3°N." There is one black line and one red line. Here the 10.3°N is marked in the figure, but in the text description often mentioned 12.3°N, typo?
For Fig S2 to S4, is it proper to use 4.7°N and 10.3°N for the specific year? If you apply EOF analysis for specific year, I think the maxima precipitation will have different latitude location.
Citation: -
- AC1: 'Comment on gmd-2023-68', Xiaoxu Shi, 13 Jul 2023
Peer review completion