Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Methods for assessment of models
 | Highlight paper
02 Aug 2023
Methods for assessment of models | Highlight paper |  | 02 Aug 2023

The three-dimensional structure of fronts in mid-latitude weather systems in numerical weather prediction models

Andreas A. Beckert, Lea Eisenstein, Annika Oertel, Tim Hewson, George C. Craig, and Marc Rautenhaus

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Preprint withdrawn
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Beckert, A.: Datasets associated with the publication: “The three-dimensional structure of fronts in mid-latitude weather systems in numerical weather prediction models”, Zenodo [data set],, 2023. 
Executive editor
This paper investigates an impactful topic, is easily digestible to non-scientists, is well written, has nice visuals, uses novel objective identification methods and has well documented and accessible code.
Short summary
We investigate the benefit of objective 3-D front detection with modern interactive visual analysis techniques for case studies of extra-tropical cyclones and comparisons of frontal structures between different numerical weather prediction models. The 3-D frontal structures show agreement with 2-D fronts from surface analysis charts and augment them in the vertical dimension. We see great potential for more complex studies of atmospheric dynamics and for operational weather forecasting.