Articles | Volume 15, issue 23
Methods for assessment of models
06 Dec 2022
Methods for assessment of models |  | 06 Dec 2022

Transfer learning for landslide susceptibility modeling using domain adaptation and case-based reasoning

Zhihao Wang, Jason Goetz, and Alexander Brenning

Model code and software

W-Zhihao/GMD\_slidetransfer: scripts and test data for manuscript "Transfer learning for landslide susceptibility modelling using domain adaptation and case-based reasoning" (v0.1.0-landslideTL) Zhihao Wang

Short summary
A lack of inventory data can be a limiting factor in developing landslide predictive models, which are crucial for supporting hazard policy and decision-making. We show how case-based reasoning and domain adaptation (transfer-learning techniques) can effectively retrieve similar landslide modeling situations for prediction in new data-scarce areas. Using cases in Italy, Austria, and Ecuador, our findings support the application of transfer learning for areas that require rapid model development.