Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Development and technical paper
18 Feb 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 18 Feb 2022

Mapping high-resolution basal topography of West Antarctica from radar data using non-stationary multiple-point geostatistics (MPS-BedMappingV1)

Zhen Yin, Chen Zuo, Emma J. MacKie, and Jef Caers

Data sets

Subglacial Topography Training Image Database Emma MacKie, Zhen Yin, Chen Zuo, and Jef Caers

Short summary
We provide a multiple-point geostatistics approach to probabilistically learn from training images to fill large-scale irregular geophysical data gaps. With a repository of global topographic training images, our approach models high-resolution basal topography and quantifies the geospatial uncertainty. It generated high-resolution topographic realizations to investigate the impact of basal topographic uncertainty on critical subglacial hydrological flow patterns associated with ice velocity.