Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
Development and technical paper
10 Feb 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 10 Feb 2021

Azimuthal averaging–reconstruction filtering techniques for finite-difference general circulation models in spherical geometry

Tong Dang, Binzheng Zhang, Jiuhou Lei, Wenbin Wang, Alan Burns, Han-li Liu, Kevin Pham, and Kareem A. Sorathia

Model code and software

Supplementary Material for the paper "Azimuthal averaging-reconstruction filtering techniques for finite-difference general circulation models in spherical geometry" T. Dang

High-resolution TIEGCM code T. Dang

Short summary
This paper describes a numerical treatment (ring average) to relax the time step in finite-difference schemes when using spherical and cylindrical coordinates with axis singularities. The ring average is used to develop a high-resolution thermosphere–ionosphere coupled community model. The technique is a significant improvement in space weather modeling capability, and it can also be adapted to more general finite-difference solvers for hyperbolic equations in spherical and polar geometries.