Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Model description paper
24 Sep 2021
Model description paper |  | 24 Sep 2021

fenics_ice 1.0: a framework for quantifying initialization uncertainty for time-dependent ice sheet models

Conrad P. Koziol, Joe A. Todd, Daniel N. Goldberg, and James R. Maddison

Model code and software

fenics_ice Joe A. Todd, Conrad P. Koziol, Daniel N. Goldberg, and James R. Maddison

Short summary
Sea level change due to the loss of ice sheets presents great risk for coastal communities. Models are used to forecast ice loss, but their evolution depends strongly on properties which are hidden from observation and must be inferred from satellite observations. Common methods for doing so do not allow for quantification of the uncertainty inherent or how it will affect forecasts. We provide a framework for quantifying how this initialization uncertainty affects ice loss forecasts.